Sunday, June 6, 2010


Dear Rachel

Today you and I were flying a Buzz Lightyear kite on the driveway when a little girl and her mom appeared and said that they were lured by the kite to come meet us. The girls name is Sarah and she's 6 years old.  Her brother, Andrew, showed up a bit later.  You all took turns flying the kite and then Sarah's mom and brother went home and left Sarah to play here with you. You guys rode bikes on the driveway (Sarah doesn't have training wheels anymore) and flew the kite some more before deciding to go in the backyard.  There, you showed Sarah all of the things you like to play with: your swings, the slide, your water table, your pool, your garden. 

I tried to stay out of the way. I didn't want to cramp your style while you were making a new friend. It was so adorable to hear you talk to her and play. You were a great friend! You took turns climbing the flag pole and playing on the monkey bar. You were so eager. You played tag (she was better at it than you, so you gave up after awhile) and hide and seek (neither of you were very good at hiding), and showed her how you play Bumble Bee on your swings. 

I don't know if you and Sarah will be come lifelong BFF's or total enemies, but it was pretty neat that you now have someone to play with in the neighbourhood.

Love Mommy

Thursday, June 3, 2010

We are the Dancers...

Dear Rachie,

You are a superstar!!  Today was the day of your Preschool year end show. The theme was the Jungle.  You wore your Easter dress and had your ballerina slipper hair clips in because you were doing a solo dance. Your teacher, Teacher Evelyn, asked me last month if I thought you would be interested in doing one. During class one day they were playing Tchaikovsky and you had ignored the instructions and just danced. You did a whole dance for your class! Well, your teachers were so impressed.  So, today you danced for all of us.  Without any hesitation or sign of nerves, you jumped, twirled and swayed to the music. 

There were four solo moments. Bella Hayman did a magic show, Eric played the violin, and the studio's owner's daughter also did a dance. But yours was the highlight by far! I was smiling ear to ear and so proud of my girl. When the dance was over, you smiled and bowed so gracefully. 

After the performance, I was putting Kingsley in his bucket carseat and I overheard another mom talking to Teacher Evelyn and telling her that your dance was so beautiful it brought tears to her eyes.

You are one in a million, Rachel!  I love you so much.

Love Mommy