Sunday, March 6, 2011

Hi Sweet Turtle,

You've had such a big winter. You are growing up before my eyes and I can't believe the changes that are happening. Every day I look at you in absolute wonder. I see the little baby I once held so tightly and I see the woman you will be. You are so beautiful.

Christmas was fantastic. You were so over-the-moon excited about the whole season and jumped in with two feet. You had letters to Santa, decorations and carols being produced at every moment of every day. You lived and breathed the Holiday and I wanted to just keep you this age forever so that it could always be this much fun.

In January, you went to your first birthday party without me. It was for a girl named Hayley from your class. Really though, Cordelia and I went on a date to the place where the party was so that I could keep an eye on you. I was so proud of how grown up you acted.

You dress yourself every morning. You are quite the eccentric dresser. Stripes, polka dots, prints, layers, you do it all. All at the same time. You are also getting creative with your hair. Grandpa thinks I must do it to you, but really I have to restrain myself from fixing it before we go out in public. I am torn between fixing you up so that no one makes fun of you and not wanting to stifle your creativity.  For some reason you are insistent that you should always have three clips in your hair - one on each side and one at the dead centre, front of your hairline. Cordelia has started to copy you. She wants clips in the middle of her head, just like you do.

Kingsley had to spend some time in the hospital twice this winter - once in November for 9 days and again at the start of February for 7 days. I was really worried about how you would cope with me and Kingsley in the hospital and not around for that length of time. You had some trouble last year when Kingsley was born, but this time was very different. I think it's likely because you had school to keep the routine going. Whatever the reason, you took it in stride. Mornings at school, afternoons/evenings with Grandma or Nana and Grandpa. Your only complaint was when I showed you the video I made of Kingsley's hospital stay: there were not enough pictures of you. That's my girl ;)

A few more things are awesome about you right now. The first is Ramona. When I was a little girl, I loved Ramona books. I read them over and over. For Christmas, you got a box set of Ramona books and we have been going through them. You cuddle up in my lap in the afternoon when Cordelia and Kingsley are napping and I read you a chapter. I'm amazed at how well you sit and listen, even without pictures. We've gone through three of them right now and your love for Ramona is still going strong. There are five more books and already I'm thinking of what book series I want to read with you next. You're starting to read a bit on your own, but chapter books are still a ways off.  I can't wait for the day you're old enough to start reading Harry Potter with me.

Last Wednesday, I picked you up from school and you were full of smiles and giggles. You delightedly told me that Mason had KISSED you! Could I believe it?? Just before school let out, he had kissed you on the tummy. I think you like Mason a little bit, but you don't really say it like that. You still don't understand the boy/girl stuff and I'm in no hurry to push you into thinking you need a boyfriend or anything silly like that. Either way, you were giggling all afternoon about it. Your first kiss. On the tummy.

Right now, you are sick. It's the second time you have had the flu and you're taking it pretty rough. You threw up for days and in less than a week have lost 4 pounds. You're skin and bones and it makes me sad to see. You are absolutely miserable.

Despite being sick, you are very excited about your upcoming birthday. You will be five, which is a big deal according to you. You're having your first friend party and inviting Molly, Eric, Scarlet and the three girls in your 'Girls Club' at school. It is going to be a Tinkerbell party since she is your current favourite thing in the world.  I bought a necklace for you for your birthday present. I'm so excited for you to get it.

I love you so much my little Turtle. I can't wait until you are feeling better and back to your usual cheerful self.

Love Mommy

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