Thursday, April 7, 2011


Dear Rachel,

You are so in love with fairies right now. Mostly the Disney Tinkerbell fairies, but you don't discriminate. You know them by name and what they do and the different ways they help things in nature. You've also learnt all about the seasons from the fairies, but you're not 100% on the order the seasons go in.

There is a book series of chapter books that are all about two girls named Rachel and Kirsty. I thought we could take a break from Ramona and read some of these. Predictably, you love them. We've only read one about Pet Fairies and already I want to rip my eyes out when I read it to you. It's horrendous. I can't wait until you can read on your own. I see now why my own mother pushed her favourite books on me. ;)

Speaking of reading on your own, you are getting really good at it. I'm so impressed with how well you sound out words. You have a whole list of words you know by sight and the rest you are usually able to figure out. Short reading books are no problem for you. I don't remember reading until I was in at least grade one, but there you are, starting to read already. I'm so proud.

Love, Mommy

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