Thursday, November 1, 2012

Little Bits of You

Dear Rachel,

You are growing up in such amazing ways and crack me up with all of your little Rachelisms lately.

On the way home from school today, you and Cordelia were pretending to talk to each other on the phone. You asked me what that 'S' word was, again. Suburbs. Yes!
"Cordelia, let's go to the SUBURBS today!"
"No, I want to pretend we're in the city."
"No, the SUBURBS are so much better! We get to go there. I'm going there now. We get to LIVE there!!"

Last night was Halloween. Kingsley was a pirate in his pirate ship, you and Cordelia were mermaids. Whenever I asked to get a picture of you with King in it, you wanted to lie on the ground and pretend to be swimming by his ship.

It rained all last night. We went Malloweening at Masonville and then planned on trick or treating up and down the street. You got very bored, very quickly and we ended up just doing one half of the street, then walking up the other and skipping all of the houses on the way to Mason's and the special Halloween house.

If I ask you what you're full of, you will say AWESOME and BEANS, specifically you like to be full of the Opera Bean. Nana loves your opera bean, so you tell me. You like to sing like you think an opera singer sounds... in your head anyway. In reality, it's more like yodeling. It's hilarious. Tonight you showed me that you also had the lower register. I can't help laughing, you just crack me up.

Tomorrow your school is having a Big Crunch to teach about healthy eating. You all get to wear red or green instead of your uniform and you're going to eat an apple all at the same time to make a big crunch sound. You told me that you'd rather not wear red or green, you are going to wear your uniform. I asked why and you said that you're a little picky about what colours you're going to wear on non-uniform day: pinks, purples, and some shades of green like turquoise only. You really don't want to wear red or green.

I love you, so much.

Love Mommy

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

First Day of School

Dear Rachie,

Today was your first day of grade one. Not your first day of school, but your first day of all day school and your first day at the new school. I was such a jumble of emotions! So excited for you. Confident that you would make friends easily, like you always do. Sure that you would have fun. So desperate for your teacher to be wonderful and to see what an amazing child you are. Worried that you would be scared or anxious.

You have mostly been excited about school. You had a few sad weeks when SK ended, knowing that you wouldn't see your kindergarten friends again. When we went to visit your new school last week, you got a stomach ache. You said it had nothing to do with school and that you weren't nervous, but you always get tummy aches when you're anxious, even if you don't want to admit it.

This morning, you raced through getting ready, were smiling ear to ear for pictures, and nearly bounced your way into the van. Neither you nor Cor said much of anything on the way to school, you were so quiet. It took a while to find out who your teacher is and where your class is, but we finally managed to do that. We ran into Mason's mom and Rowan and you seemed so happy to see people you knew.

Once we found your teacher, I told you I had to go with Cordelia. You told me you were fine, knew to stay with your teacher and said you'd have fun. You gave me your biggest, bravest smile, as if you were trying to reassure me that you'd be fine and not the other way around. Sometimes, I think you're growing up too fast.

You make friends so easily and are the most likable child I have ever met. I know you will excel in grade one. I can't wait to hear all about your day.

Love you so much, Mommy.

Friday, May 4, 2012


Dear Rachy,

The past few weeks you have gotten it in your head that you want to open a restaurant. I can't remember exactly what spurred this idea, but you have been slowly working away at it. You think up things to serve and spent many days creating a menu. You had a shopping list and were so upset one day when I said we weren't actually going shopping for your items. In the end, I let you add your items to my grocery list last Friday and we picked up the red peppers, strawberries, blueberries, cucumber, carrots, and raspberries (I distracted you from realizing that I was not buying a watermelon).  Once we had the items, you were gung ho.

Yesterday, you made signs and moved the playroom all around to allow for two tables with chairs and a blanket underneath in case anything dropped.

This is the point where I realized that you actually thought you were opening a restaurant. Up until then, I thought we were both on the same page with this one - that this was a 'pretend' restaurant. You asked me if we could go for a walk to put up your signs in the neighbourhood, just from our house to the mailbox and then maybe knock on a few doors to invite people over personally. I hesitated and in that split second we both stared at each other. I saw the pleading look in your eyes: please don't ruin this dream for me, Mom.

I distracted you for a bit by reminding you that we were going to the library after Kingsley's nap, so the signs would have to wait. Besides, it was going to rain, so how about you just post them on our windows? You did just that while I frantically wondered how I was going to break your heart and tell you that no one was going to be coming to The Bell Restrote.

I don't know how long I can distract you before you finally realize the sad truth, but in the meantime Cordelia and I were your first customers and I gave you a four quarter tip for your excellent service. If you remember that I had mentioned it, you might also have a lemonade sale tomorrow (or in your words, have an outside restaurant). I will definitely buy whatever you're selling.

Love Mommy

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Little Mama

Hey Sweets,

You are in Mamamode lately. You play with your baby (a big My Little Pony named Cheerie Lee or something) all day long. You feed her, dress her, play with her, read her stories and you sleep with her every night just like you saw me sleep with King and Cor. You are so cute with her. You've played with dolls before, obviously, but you haven't gone through a real baby-craze phase like this in a while. Yesterday you told me that all you want to do is be a mommy. We'll see. ;)

Love Mommy

Wednesday, February 1, 2012


Dear Rachie,

One thing that I have absolutely loved over the past few months is the way that you and Cordelia play together now. At any given moment you or Cor will yell out: "Wanna play..." and the suggestion can be any number of your favourite imaginative play games. You love most to play Jungle (where you are animals in the jungle), Sweetie (where one of you is a mom and the other is the little Sweetie baby), and Cafe (your new fave where you both run a cafe that serves everything from mashed potatoes to lemonade).

You have such amazing imagination. And even more amazing is the way you and Cordelia get along and interact. I know this won't last forever, so I am enjoying every second of it... while I sip my lemonade and dodge the stampeding rhino's.

Love Mommy