Friday, May 4, 2012


Dear Rachy,

The past few weeks you have gotten it in your head that you want to open a restaurant. I can't remember exactly what spurred this idea, but you have been slowly working away at it. You think up things to serve and spent many days creating a menu. You had a shopping list and were so upset one day when I said we weren't actually going shopping for your items. In the end, I let you add your items to my grocery list last Friday and we picked up the red peppers, strawberries, blueberries, cucumber, carrots, and raspberries (I distracted you from realizing that I was not buying a watermelon).  Once we had the items, you were gung ho.

Yesterday, you made signs and moved the playroom all around to allow for two tables with chairs and a blanket underneath in case anything dropped.

This is the point where I realized that you actually thought you were opening a restaurant. Up until then, I thought we were both on the same page with this one - that this was a 'pretend' restaurant. You asked me if we could go for a walk to put up your signs in the neighbourhood, just from our house to the mailbox and then maybe knock on a few doors to invite people over personally. I hesitated and in that split second we both stared at each other. I saw the pleading look in your eyes: please don't ruin this dream for me, Mom.

I distracted you for a bit by reminding you that we were going to the library after Kingsley's nap, so the signs would have to wait. Besides, it was going to rain, so how about you just post them on our windows? You did just that while I frantically wondered how I was going to break your heart and tell you that no one was going to be coming to The Bell Restrote.

I don't know how long I can distract you before you finally realize the sad truth, but in the meantime Cordelia and I were your first customers and I gave you a four quarter tip for your excellent service. If you remember that I had mentioned it, you might also have a lemonade sale tomorrow (or in your words, have an outside restaurant). I will definitely buy whatever you're selling.

Love Mommy

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