Tuesday, September 4, 2012

First Day of School

Dear Rachie,

Today was your first day of grade one. Not your first day of school, but your first day of all day school and your first day at the new school. I was such a jumble of emotions! So excited for you. Confident that you would make friends easily, like you always do. Sure that you would have fun. So desperate for your teacher to be wonderful and to see what an amazing child you are. Worried that you would be scared or anxious.

You have mostly been excited about school. You had a few sad weeks when SK ended, knowing that you wouldn't see your kindergarten friends again. When we went to visit your new school last week, you got a stomach ache. You said it had nothing to do with school and that you weren't nervous, but you always get tummy aches when you're anxious, even if you don't want to admit it.

This morning, you raced through getting ready, were smiling ear to ear for pictures, and nearly bounced your way into the van. Neither you nor Cor said much of anything on the way to school, you were so quiet. It took a while to find out who your teacher is and where your class is, but we finally managed to do that. We ran into Mason's mom and Rowan and you seemed so happy to see people you knew.

Once we found your teacher, I told you I had to go with Cordelia. You told me you were fine, knew to stay with your teacher and said you'd have fun. You gave me your biggest, bravest smile, as if you were trying to reassure me that you'd be fine and not the other way around. Sometimes, I think you're growing up too fast.

You make friends so easily and are the most likable child I have ever met. I know you will excel in grade one. I can't wait to hear all about your day.

Love you so much, Mommy.

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