Monday, July 19, 2010

Little Swimmer

Hi Sweetheart,

So much has been going on lately, but while I have a minute I wanted to let you know that today you started swimming lessons. You're supposed to be in a beginner class, but they didn't have one at Southcrest, just the second level up. And then that level was combined with the level above it because of low enrollment. As a result, you are one of three kids in your class and you are more interested in showing your teacher what you can do than doing what she's asking you to do. You are adorable. You loved every minute of it, even when you started to turn blue.

Love Mommy

Sunday, June 6, 2010


Dear Rachel

Today you and I were flying a Buzz Lightyear kite on the driveway when a little girl and her mom appeared and said that they were lured by the kite to come meet us. The girls name is Sarah and she's 6 years old.  Her brother, Andrew, showed up a bit later.  You all took turns flying the kite and then Sarah's mom and brother went home and left Sarah to play here with you. You guys rode bikes on the driveway (Sarah doesn't have training wheels anymore) and flew the kite some more before deciding to go in the backyard.  There, you showed Sarah all of the things you like to play with: your swings, the slide, your water table, your pool, your garden. 

I tried to stay out of the way. I didn't want to cramp your style while you were making a new friend. It was so adorable to hear you talk to her and play. You were a great friend! You took turns climbing the flag pole and playing on the monkey bar. You were so eager. You played tag (she was better at it than you, so you gave up after awhile) and hide and seek (neither of you were very good at hiding), and showed her how you play Bumble Bee on your swings. 

I don't know if you and Sarah will be come lifelong BFF's or total enemies, but it was pretty neat that you now have someone to play with in the neighbourhood.

Love Mommy

Thursday, June 3, 2010

We are the Dancers...

Dear Rachie,

You are a superstar!!  Today was the day of your Preschool year end show. The theme was the Jungle.  You wore your Easter dress and had your ballerina slipper hair clips in because you were doing a solo dance. Your teacher, Teacher Evelyn, asked me last month if I thought you would be interested in doing one. During class one day they were playing Tchaikovsky and you had ignored the instructions and just danced. You did a whole dance for your class! Well, your teachers were so impressed.  So, today you danced for all of us.  Without any hesitation or sign of nerves, you jumped, twirled and swayed to the music. 

There were four solo moments. Bella Hayman did a magic show, Eric played the violin, and the studio's owner's daughter also did a dance. But yours was the highlight by far! I was smiling ear to ear and so proud of my girl. When the dance was over, you smiled and bowed so gracefully. 

After the performance, I was putting Kingsley in his bucket carseat and I overheard another mom talking to Teacher Evelyn and telling her that your dance was so beautiful it brought tears to her eyes.

You are one in a million, Rachel!  I love you so much.

Love Mommy

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Your Name

Dear Rachel,

Daddy and I didn't find out that you were a girl until I was about 31 weeks pregnant. We had to accept that we may not find out until you were born and so get crackin on finding a name for you, boy or girl.  Until I got pregnant, I always believed that you couldn't really pick a name for a baby until you looked them in the face and saw if it fit. I think Nana told me that. Anyway, once I was pregnant with you I realized that was wrong. I knew you. I could feel you, talk to you, play with you. I felt like we were already communicating. So, when it came to picking names, I knew when we found the right one, I would be able to tell.

Daddy and I did not agree on any names though, unfortunately. We must have gone through nearly a dozen baby name books. I read credits after movies, on TV shows, scanned headlines and magazines. Thought of every book I ever read and all the names in them. We would lie in bed and just toss out names randomly.  Every name would be responded to immediately - with: "no", "as if", "you're kidding, right?" or "veto." 

One morning we were lying in bed feeling you move (must've been a weekend) and I said, "Rachel." And Daddy paused, then said, "Yeah." And I said, "Yeah? Really?" I had to think about it for a moment.  I had been tossing out names for months and never once had your Dad said anything even close to a 'maybe' so this caught me off guard. I wasn't even sure if I liked it!

Turned out, I did. I didn't have any clients named Rachel (still haven't) and never met a Rachel I didn't like. It was classic, not too trendy, but not too out there. It fit.

Renee was always going to be your middle name. My Nana's name was Irene, but people called her Rene (ree-nee).  I wanted to name you in her honour, but not 'after' her necessarily. Old names are making a comeback, but Irene... not so much. I adored my Nana and had a special relationship with her.

Once Rachel Renee was decided on, I called you it in my head all the time. When I talked to you when no one was around, I used your name and it was right. I could tell that you were Rachel.  When I was in labour with you at the hospital, the nurse asked what your name was going to be. We hesitated and said, "Rachel Renee... maybe?" because I was still stuck on having to see you to be certain.  What if I was wrong? What if my mom was right and you didn't look anything like a Rachel?  Obviously, you were.  :)

And that's how you got your name.

Love Mommy

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Oh, Rachel.

Yesterday you did something that I have been dreading for years. I have heard that at some point most little girls will cut their hair, but I really didn't expect this and especially not from you! Yesterday you cut your hair off. Really, cut your hair off.

I was running around, going between making dinner, feeding Kingsley and keeping Cordelia from tearing up the house. I wasn't paying much attention to you, but that's not really a bad thing since you are quite independent and have always been a great solo player. You were in your playroom and I wasn't worried.

Earlier, while Cordelia was napping you had asked if you could use scissors for arts and crafts. I had bought you a new school book and you wanted to see if it had cutting exercises like the book at Grandma's had.  It didn't, so you just did some snipping of your own. I forgot to make sure you put the scissors away. Cordelia woke up and I gave you two baths, then we came down and Kingsley woke up, dinner had to start, Cordelia started going stir crazy...

Just before dinner was ready, I opened the garbage lid to toss something in and saw a pile of hair. HAIR. Your hair. I just stood there staring for a minute trying to figure out why I was looking at a pile of your hair. I called you into the room and you came in. We just stared at each other. I'm not sure what my face looked like, but you looked worried when you saw my face. Not scared, not embarrassed, not guilty. That told me a lot. I said, "Rachel, you cut your hair." And you said, "Yeah..."

I wasn't sure how to react.  Do I get mad, when you clearly didn't realize what you had done was wrong? Do I laugh, which may encourage you to try it again? Do I cry, which may make you feel bad about yourself when clearly it was only hair...? I got a little dizzy.  I did what I always do in these crazy situations. I sat you on the counter and got out my camera.

I don't know what made you do it, but you chopped the sides and a lot of the back. You told me later that you didn't do all of the back because you couldn't reach it. The right side was cut more than the left, but the left side was shorter. There was even a chunk in front where you had cut your bangs even shorter along with a lock that was not supposed to be bangs.

Today, I took you to Max&Oskars, a kids hair salon where you got your first haircut. There, for $25, I tried to get your hair fixed. At first today, you didn't understand why this would be your last ponytail or why we had to cut your hair more, but after it was done you didn't seem to care at all. You've been running around like nothing happened. I keep getting caught off guard by your super short 'do. 

You're such a beautiful girl though. We could shave your head and you'd still be the most beautiful child with only a smile.

Love Mommy

Monday, May 3, 2010

My Social Butterfly

Dear Rachie,
Today we went to the park again with Kingsley and Cordelia. When we got there, there was 2 little girls with their grandparents and a bunch of boys playing.  We had lunch, then you and Cordelia went to play. At first you wandered around exploring the equipment, avoiding the agressive boys, helping Cordelia out every now and again. Then all of a sudden, you were holding hands and bringing another little girl over to meet your baby brother. Her name was Riley (you were both delighted to find that your names both started with R and had e's in them) and she was also 4 years old. You played together until her grandparents dragged her away to go home and we left to feed the ducks.

You are just like this. You make friends where ever you go and other little kids love playing with you. You have such an infectious smile and sweet laugh. I've never seen you fight or argue with your friends and some of your more rambunctious friends are calm when you're around. I hope you always make friends this easily.

Love Mommy

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Dance Party

Hi Baby,

Just about your favourite thing to do lately is have a dance party. You have a CD that we got for free in a McDonald's Happy Meal last summer. It's by Kid's Bop or something. Kid versions of current pop songs. This one has Pon de Replay by Rihanna, Beautiful Girl by Shawn Kingston, and Girls Just Wanna Have Fun by Cindy Lauper. You blare it and dance and dance and dance. Cordelia has started dancing with you now and is getting better.

The other day my friend Alison brought over two pettiskirts for you and Cordelia. That has brought your dance party up to another level. I LOVE watching you dance.

Love Mommy