Tuesday, September 28, 2010

School Girl

Hi Sweetness,

This month you started school! You are in Junior Kindergarten at St. Jude - the same school I went to! So far, you love it.

We started prepping you for the idea of school in August. Whenever we drove past, we'd point out your school and tell you that you'd be going there in September. We talked about what the day would be like (you go 5 mornings a week) and what sort of things you would do.

On September 9, 2010, the five of us all went to meet your teacher and see your classroom. Her name is Mrs. Elgie. Your JK classroom is the same as mine. It was a bit odd to be in it again. Mrs. Elgie showed you all of the different centres, where your hook was, where you'd put your snack bag, and then we went on a tour of the school. We saw the library (you were thrilled that there was a whole library IN your school), the computer room, and the gym.  You tested out the gym and declared that it was the biggest room you'd ever seen. After your visit, you told me that you weren't nervous about starting school anymore. You were ready to go!

On Monday, September 13, 2010, you had your first day of school with a smaller class. Only 4 other children were there. One was a girl named Hailey who has blond (you insist it's yellow) curly hair. You and Hailey still play together, but you tell me that she gets in trouble a lot for not listening. You enjoyed this first day.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010 was your first official real school day. The whole class was there. You were very excited to go and very happy at the end of the morning as well. You love to draw (they have markers at school) and paint and build with the blocks. You claim that you never get in trouble and you always listen.

Last week, there was a meet the teacher night. All five of us went and saw your classroom again. You immediately sat down and started drawing with the markers. Cordelia took off to the house centre and started playing with the babies. You talked with a boy named Mason who, we found out, lives on our street. Mrs. Elgie told us that you were very creative and loved telling stories and drawing pictures. We saw your artwork on the wall. You were supposed to draw pictures of yourself and your picture was the only one that had a full body, four limbs, a head, hair, eyelashes, ears, a sun, clouds and grass. You really are quite the artist. 

We are so proud of you Rachel and are so happy that you are enjoying school. I hope you continue to enjoy school for many years to come.

Love, Mommy

1 comment:

  1. That door to the class brings back so many memories! So awesome!
