Wednesday, February 1, 2012


Dear Rachie,

One thing that I have absolutely loved over the past few months is the way that you and Cordelia play together now. At any given moment you or Cor will yell out: "Wanna play..." and the suggestion can be any number of your favourite imaginative play games. You love most to play Jungle (where you are animals in the jungle), Sweetie (where one of you is a mom and the other is the little Sweetie baby), and Cafe (your new fave where you both run a cafe that serves everything from mashed potatoes to lemonade).

You have such amazing imagination. And even more amazing is the way you and Cordelia get along and interact. I know this won't last forever, so I am enjoying every second of it... while I sip my lemonade and dodge the stampeding rhino's.

Love Mommy

Monday, November 14, 2011


Rachel, you are still such a believer in all things make-believe. Sometimes I am baffled by the lack of logic, but mostly I'm impressed with your willingness to not care if things make sense.

A couple of weeks ago, I took you and Cordelia to see Sesame Street Live. Cordelia was stone faced the entire time. She just stared. You enjoyed every minute of it, singing and dancing and yelling out answers. When we came home, I chatted with Cordelia a bit. She admitted that she had been scared. The monsters were so much bigger than she had thought they were. I was surprised to find out that she thought Elmo and his friends were real. I explained to her that they were people in costumes, which was why they were so big. On TV they are puppets and here they are grown ups . We discussed how they saw, where their heads were, and how they took them off. She was very relieved.

We went downstairs and I told Daddy what had just happened. I told them how she had thought the monsters were real, but they were just people in costumes. Behind me, I heard you making a strangled sound. I looked over and you just said, "Moooom..." and looked, I don't know, upset and shocked. Like I had just said something really offensive. It turns out, you also had not realized that the monsters were people in costume. You had thought they were real. You were so mad at me for telling you otherwise. You kept asking, "Is that true?" just begging me to change my answer and say that they were not people in costumes.

You often ask, even before the Sesame Street incident, if things are real or not. Things such as mermaids, fairies, goblins, unicorns, monsters, dragons, various animals... you always want to know if they're real. Mostly, I have just started asking you if you think they're real or not. You've decided that mermaids are not real, nor are unicorns, but fairies are.

We are now in the Christmas season. On the weekend, we went to the Santa Claus parade. You loved every minute of it. Your belief in Santa Claus is 100% in tact. When we woke up in the morning, Buddy the Elf had returned. You and Cordelia were ecstatic. You've been talking to Buddy, whispering to him, dancing for him. It's adorable. While I was making dinner, you came in to the kitchen with an odd look on your face. A frozen smile. I asked what was up and you said, nothing. But you had that smile that you were fighting to keep on, even as your face dissolved into tears. The whole story came tumbling out: you had been putting a puzzle away on the shelf when Buddy had gotten jostled and he fell over. You were just beside yourself, sobbing. I assured you that things would be okay and we went to check on Buddy. I assured you that grown ups were allowed to touch elves. I picked him up and leaned in to hear what he had to say. PHEW! Don't worry, Rach, Buddy was just fine. I settled him down and had you run and get a cold thing (ice pack). I put it on Buddy's head for a few minutes and then he was fine.

Today, you raced into school and caught up with Adrianna on the way. From the road I heard you exclaiming in excitement about the REAL ELF that was in your house. My heart froze a bit. Please, please, please don't let anyone ruin this for you. When Mason came over today after school, you grabbed him and ran him into the kitchen where Buddy was hanging out today. I wasn't sure - he looked up and saw Buddy. Did he see an elf? Did he see a doll? Either way, he didn't say anything. He thought it was cool and told his mom all about it when she got here.

Rachel, you make my heart burst with your imagination and trust. I hope a part of this never leaves you.

Love Mommy

Saturday, August 13, 2011

My Little Mermaid

Sweet Rachie,

We just spent a week at a cottage in Port Franks. You had a fabulous time. While we were there, you discovered the story of the Little Mermaid. You were intrigued, to say the least. The cottage had the Disney DVD version of the story as well as the original Hans Christian Anderson version of the tale. Nana was up visiting us one day and without realizing how far off the original was from the Disney story, read the whole thing to you.

The stories somehow spiraled into you creating mermaid tales out of paper for you and Kingsley and your cousin Hailey, then water to swim in, shell bra's, and finally on our last day at the beach you spent half the time lying in the water singing like Ariel does.

You are so adorable and so creative. Your drawings of mermaids are awesome. Since we've been home, you've raided the basement for any Little Mermaid books that were tossed down there from lack of interest. You've been begging me to find the movie for you.

You make me smile everyday.

Love Mommy

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Santa Claus and Minnie Mouse

A few weeks ago, I was reading a Junie B. book to you. Junie B. was deciding what to dress up as for career day. Someone said they were going to be Minnie Mouse and Junie B. said she's not a real person, just a costume. There was a pause and you made a sort of huffy sound.

I asked what you said and you said: "That's not true."

"What's not true?"

"Minnie Mouse. She's a real person. She isn't a costume."


"Psssht. She lives in Disney World."


"She's just silly." Pointing to the book.


I know there's not a lot of time left before you realize what's real and what is not real. I love that you are so gullible though. It's going to make Christmas that much more awesome again this year when I have all three of you excited about Santa Claus. The Tooth Fairy, Easter Bunny, Rudolph, and even Mickey Mouse. You are so awesomely a believer in all things about childhood.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Style World

My Dear Rachie,

You are so unique. So confident and sure of yourself. So individual and proud of it. I LOVE this about you. Your style cracks me up. I have spent a lot of time discussing with Nana and Daddy about whether or not I should be trying to tame your style a bit. I have chosen not to, which has led to some interesting outifts and hairstyles. You don't care, I don't care. You are so beautiful in whatever you wear, however you wear it.

You even ask to do my hair all the time now.

One day, you might realize that your hair or clothes are a bit odd and change to match your peers. Or maybe you won't and you'll always be this awesomely unique. Either way, I hope you still run into the room yelling: "STYLE WORLD!!!" with each fabulous ensemble you put together. You are fashion, baby.

Love Mommy

Thursday, April 7, 2011


Dear Rachel,

You are so in love with fairies right now. Mostly the Disney Tinkerbell fairies, but you don't discriminate. You know them by name and what they do and the different ways they help things in nature. You've also learnt all about the seasons from the fairies, but you're not 100% on the order the seasons go in.

There is a book series of chapter books that are all about two girls named Rachel and Kirsty. I thought we could take a break from Ramona and read some of these. Predictably, you love them. We've only read one about Pet Fairies and already I want to rip my eyes out when I read it to you. It's horrendous. I can't wait until you can read on your own. I see now why my own mother pushed her favourite books on me. ;)

Speaking of reading on your own, you are getting really good at it. I'm so impressed with how well you sound out words. You have a whole list of words you know by sight and the rest you are usually able to figure out. Short reading books are no problem for you. I don't remember reading until I was in at least grade one, but there you are, starting to read already. I'm so proud.

Love, Mommy

Sunday, March 27, 2011


My Dear Rachel B,

You turned five!

You had the best fifth birthday you could possibly imagine. I don't think it could have gone any better unless Tinkerbell herself had flown in for a visit.

It started bright and early in the morning. I'm not sure how or where, but you got this idea in your head that you wanted breakfast in bed. You talked about last month and asked me randomly to bring it to you. It never happened. But I tucked that in my mind and even wrote it on the calendar so I'd remember. On your birthday, I brought up a plate of mini waffles, syrup, juice and your presents. All five of us sat on your bed and ate together. You were over the moon.

After we ate, you opened your presents. We gave you an umbrella (which you are in love with), a digital piggy bank that totals how much money you've put in it, the book Deep Snow by Robert Munsch, and a necklace with a little girl holding a teddy bear.

Following breakfast and presents, there was a scurry to get ready for your party! You had picked out your dress at Winner's and decided that Cordelia should have the same dress as you, so she did. They'll be your Easter dresses this year as well, probably. We curled your hair and you looked perfect.

The day was gloomy, so I let you stand on the porch with your umbrella to test it out. You even shared with Cordelia, which was sweet of you.

Grandma arrived at 10:30 and helped with the last minute stuff before your guests started to arrive. She brought you a pink rose, which she always does on your birthday.

Your party started at 11am. It had a Tinkerbell/Fairy theme as that is your favourite thing right now. You invited four friends from school (Mia, Laura, Adrianna, and Mason) and three others (Molly, Eric, and Scarlet).  The first activity when they arrived was painting terra cotta flower pots. This activity kept getting interrupted by you running upstairs to show your guests your bedroom. Then Cordelia would want to show everyone her room. While you guys painted, I made pizza's for lunch.

While the pizza's cooked, we started playing games. First was Musical Books. Once everyone realized you got a prize when you lost, there was some definite internal conflict happening with your friends trying to decide whether to win or lose. Eventually, Adrianna won. The prizes were Tinkerbell things.

Next, you played Pin the Heart on the Tiara.  The prizes were pixie stix. We had to stall a bit because the pizza's weren't done yet. You all had a dance party in the playroom which turned into the Freeze Dance game. It was hilarious and awesome to see all of your friends and you showing off your best moves. No inhibition is a great thing.

Pizza followed games. I'm not sure who started it, but lunchtime entertainment was all of you telling jokes. Jokes that were not remotely funny. Knock-knock jokes, riddles, one-liners. You thought you were a bunch of stand up comedians! Each joker attempting to top the previous, certain that your joke was the absolute funniest thing ever. Grandma and I were almost in tears at how unfunny you all were.

In true Meyer-Party form, I took pictures of all of you making your funniest faces.

Grandpa did the same at all of our parties growing up. It only seemed right that Aunt Kristi and I continue with the tradition!

After pizza was a treasure hunt where clues that had been left by Rosetta the Garden Fairy led you around the main floor, ending at a silver box with 9 jars of purple Pixie Dust and a note that this very special dust was only to go in a garden where it would help flowers grow. There was great excitement over this pixie dust!

Cake followed this game. We had two for you - Nana made a white rainbow chip Tinkerbell cake.  I made chocolate cupcakes with pink, purple and green butter cream icing and mini fairy figurines on top. Both were your picks.

After cake came more dancing and then I managed to get you all gathered for one last game: Pass the Parcel. The prizes were glow stick bracelets.

Last, were presents. You got a lot of nice toys and clothes from your friends.

As they were leaving, they enthusiastically declared that this had been one amazing party. Mia even shouted that it was WAY better than hers had been last month at Adventures on Wonderland. They were bouncing around, eager to tell their parents all about it and show off their pixie dust and hand painted pots. As they left, you gave them a thank you note that you had made on purple fairy paper and a packet of seeds for their flower pots.

After the party, we had a bit of quiet time. Cordelia went down for her nap, Kingsley (who slept through most of your party) was up. We took all your toys out of the packaging and you got to start playing.

Just after 3pm, Nana, Grandpa and Grandma Marilynn all came over. More cake and more presents!

Nana and Grandpa gave you a raincoat, rain boots and rain hat that you got very excited about once you realized you looked just like Lizzie, the girl in Tinkerbell and the Great Fairy Rescue. Between that and the umbrella, you've been pretty much begging for rainy days since your birthday.

For dinner, I made you macaroni and cheese (your favourite) and we had even more cake. At the end of the day, you were exhausted, elated and five.

I am so proud of the big girl you've grown into. You are so sweet, charming, adorable, kind, brilliant, funny and all around incredible. I hope all of your birthdays are as wonderful as this one was!

Love Mommy