Sunday, November 14, 2010


Dear Rachel,

A couple of weeks ago, you and I were playing with stacking cups that have numbers written in English, French and Spanish on the side. I was trying to explain to you about different languages and was speaking in French a bit to you.  You started speaking jibberish back, which was kind of cute. I thought you were trying to speak French, but you politely informed me that you were speaking Simon.

Since then, Simon has become an actual language to you. You speak it to your babies and you speak it to me.  If I ever catch you mumbling and tell you I didn't understand what you said, you tell me it's because you were speaking Simon. I think you honestly think it is a real language, not just something you made up. It sounds almost real when I listen to it. You are so funny.

Love, Mommy

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Hey Rachie,

You had a great Halloween, again. You are so into the holidays at this age and I love it. I think dressing up + candy is probably your idea of heaven. Add in the crafts that come with Halloween, and I'm sure this was up there with your favourite times of year.

This was your fifth Halloween. So far, you have been a bug, a unicorn, a princess, Abby Cadabby (a fairy in training) and this year you were an angel.  Nana made your costume, but she didn't get it done in time for the church party, so you wore one of your costumes from your costume bin. You were a unicorn with wings.

Halloween was on a Sunday this year. You and I and Kingsley all went to Malloween at Westmount on Saturday while Cordelia was napping. We met Molly and my friend Dawn and her kids Kaitlyn and Liam.  You did a craft, got candy and loved every minute of it. Later that day, we went to Malloween at Masonville where we met Grandma, Scarlet and Eric.  You and Cordelia were great Trick or Treat'ers. It was packed, but you were polite.

On Halloween, Nana came over and we went trick or treating with you and Cordelia while Daddy and Kingsley stayed home to hand out candy. You didn't even notice how cold it was outside. I was freezing and Nana was ready to be done long before you and Cordelia were. I had to insist that you wore hats but you refused to wear your mitts. You insisted that you were fine! 

I love sharing holidays with you.

Love Mommy

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

School Girl

Hi Sweetness,

This month you started school! You are in Junior Kindergarten at St. Jude - the same school I went to! So far, you love it.

We started prepping you for the idea of school in August. Whenever we drove past, we'd point out your school and tell you that you'd be going there in September. We talked about what the day would be like (you go 5 mornings a week) and what sort of things you would do.

On September 9, 2010, the five of us all went to meet your teacher and see your classroom. Her name is Mrs. Elgie. Your JK classroom is the same as mine. It was a bit odd to be in it again. Mrs. Elgie showed you all of the different centres, where your hook was, where you'd put your snack bag, and then we went on a tour of the school. We saw the library (you were thrilled that there was a whole library IN your school), the computer room, and the gym.  You tested out the gym and declared that it was the biggest room you'd ever seen. After your visit, you told me that you weren't nervous about starting school anymore. You were ready to go!

On Monday, September 13, 2010, you had your first day of school with a smaller class. Only 4 other children were there. One was a girl named Hailey who has blond (you insist it's yellow) curly hair. You and Hailey still play together, but you tell me that she gets in trouble a lot for not listening. You enjoyed this first day.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010 was your first official real school day. The whole class was there. You were very excited to go and very happy at the end of the morning as well. You love to draw (they have markers at school) and paint and build with the blocks. You claim that you never get in trouble and you always listen.

Last week, there was a meet the teacher night. All five of us went and saw your classroom again. You immediately sat down and started drawing with the markers. Cordelia took off to the house centre and started playing with the babies. You talked with a boy named Mason who, we found out, lives on our street. Mrs. Elgie told us that you were very creative and loved telling stories and drawing pictures. We saw your artwork on the wall. You were supposed to draw pictures of yourself and your picture was the only one that had a full body, four limbs, a head, hair, eyelashes, ears, a sun, clouds and grass. You really are quite the artist. 

We are so proud of you Rachel and are so happy that you are enjoying school. I hope you continue to enjoy school for many years to come.

Love, Mommy

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Happiness is Not Real...

Dear Rachel,

There is a terrible movie that your Auntie Kristi made me watch once called Into The Wild.  I won't horrify you with the storyline, but the moral of the story is summed up in the quote, "Happiness is not real unless shared."  I repeat this line to myself at least a dozen times a day relating to you. 

You are a joy and I want more than anything for you to be happy.  Most of the time, you are happy. So delightfully happy!  Thrilled with every new thing you see, do, think and feel, and you want to share it.  Mostly you want to share it with me, which is lovely, but exhausting.  At least a hundred times an hour (give or take) I hear your sweet little voice calling out, "Mommy! Come see this!" "Mommy! Look at me!" "Mommy, I just want to tell you something,"  "Mommy! Look! Mommy! Moooooommmy!! Look!!" 

I would love to give you all of the attention that you crave, but the reality of having three children and a house to maintain is that I can't always drop everything to look, see, feel, read, listen, nod or do whatever it is you want of me. I do try though. I pause. I remind myself that happiness is not real unless shared and you are wanting to share something with me. Sharing your happy thing will make you happier. And that's what I want.

Weeds will always be in the garden.  Dishes will always be dirty. Your brother and sister will often need my help. There will always be something interesting online. But you will not always be four. And you will not always be happy. While you are though, I want to share it with you.

Love Mommy

Monday, July 19, 2010

Little Swimmer

Hi Sweetheart,

So much has been going on lately, but while I have a minute I wanted to let you know that today you started swimming lessons. You're supposed to be in a beginner class, but they didn't have one at Southcrest, just the second level up. And then that level was combined with the level above it because of low enrollment. As a result, you are one of three kids in your class and you are more interested in showing your teacher what you can do than doing what she's asking you to do. You are adorable. You loved every minute of it, even when you started to turn blue.

Love Mommy

Sunday, June 6, 2010


Dear Rachel

Today you and I were flying a Buzz Lightyear kite on the driveway when a little girl and her mom appeared and said that they were lured by the kite to come meet us. The girls name is Sarah and she's 6 years old.  Her brother, Andrew, showed up a bit later.  You all took turns flying the kite and then Sarah's mom and brother went home and left Sarah to play here with you. You guys rode bikes on the driveway (Sarah doesn't have training wheels anymore) and flew the kite some more before deciding to go in the backyard.  There, you showed Sarah all of the things you like to play with: your swings, the slide, your water table, your pool, your garden. 

I tried to stay out of the way. I didn't want to cramp your style while you were making a new friend. It was so adorable to hear you talk to her and play. You were a great friend! You took turns climbing the flag pole and playing on the monkey bar. You were so eager. You played tag (she was better at it than you, so you gave up after awhile) and hide and seek (neither of you were very good at hiding), and showed her how you play Bumble Bee on your swings. 

I don't know if you and Sarah will be come lifelong BFF's or total enemies, but it was pretty neat that you now have someone to play with in the neighbourhood.

Love Mommy

Thursday, June 3, 2010

We are the Dancers...

Dear Rachie,

You are a superstar!!  Today was the day of your Preschool year end show. The theme was the Jungle.  You wore your Easter dress and had your ballerina slipper hair clips in because you were doing a solo dance. Your teacher, Teacher Evelyn, asked me last month if I thought you would be interested in doing one. During class one day they were playing Tchaikovsky and you had ignored the instructions and just danced. You did a whole dance for your class! Well, your teachers were so impressed.  So, today you danced for all of us.  Without any hesitation or sign of nerves, you jumped, twirled and swayed to the music. 

There were four solo moments. Bella Hayman did a magic show, Eric played the violin, and the studio's owner's daughter also did a dance. But yours was the highlight by far! I was smiling ear to ear and so proud of my girl. When the dance was over, you smiled and bowed so gracefully. 

After the performance, I was putting Kingsley in his bucket carseat and I overheard another mom talking to Teacher Evelyn and telling her that your dance was so beautiful it brought tears to her eyes.

You are one in a million, Rachel!  I love you so much.

Love Mommy