Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Dear Rachie,

Today you and I spent a couple hours gardening together. Cordelia and Kingsley were napping and it was a beautiful 20 or so degrees, sunny, and perfect. You started off playing by yourself in the water table and digging up dirt in the rose garden, but the sound of a bee sent you running to my end of the yard. You ended up sitting with me as I made my way around, weeding and yanking stuff up. 

You fed me a constant stream of chatter, just non stop. You talked about how Cordie had been stung by bees last year and how you had been stung by 'squito bites.  You talked about your trip to the hospital after the one 'squito bite got your eye.  All of the critters and animals that have wings and what they eat and what eats them.  What bugs are nice bugs (ants, wormies, butterflies, callerpillars) and what bugs are mean bugs (bees, 'squito bites).  What you planted at school (a bean) but weren't bringing home. And on and on and on.

All the while, you were collecting worms and feeding your wormies and watching them play. You kept picking them up with your fingers and I tried not to flinch or back away when you would put them in front of my face to say hi to their face (which you were certain you could find).  You decided that I was a talk-to-worms person, not a touch-worms person. Very wise. 

It was so nice spending the afternoon with you. We don't get a lot of one on one time anymore when we can just talk.

Love Mommy

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