Friday, April 23, 2010

The Park

Hi Rachie,

Today we went to the park and met up with my friend Alison and her four kids. You have met them before, but you didn't remember it, although you had called yourself Princess Kaia for quite sometime after meeting them.  We had a picnic and then played on the equipment and fed the geese. You had a great time. You are closer in age to Alison's four year old daughter, Faron, but bonded right away with her older daughter, Kaia. The two of you ran around, played on the teeter totter, played tag, and lay on the blankets eating leftovers from lunch and talking about your families.  I love listening to you talk to other kids and watching you play. You are so sure of yourself and just enjoy yourself in everything you do. I am endlessly proud of you.
Love Mommy

1 comment:

  1. Do you do the french braid? I guess so, I mean who else would have. I love that she is wearing her rainboots!
