Sunday, April 25, 2010

Your Nicknames

Hi Rachel,

You have a ton of nicknames, some have stuck, some have not.  Grandpa always gave me and Auntie Kristi and Uncle David, so it was only natural that you would have a number of them as well. You are also at an age now where you are beginning to create nicknames of your own for your brother and sister. You call Cordelia The Marvelous Cormelia, and you decided that Kingsley's nickname should be Frog.  Here is why we call you what we do:

Rach, Rachie: Obviously short forms of your name. A lot of people call you Rachie, like Silvia and Eric and Cordelia (Chay-chee). 

Turtle, Turtle D: this was your first nickname and I gave it to you. When I was in the hospital with you after your birth you would do a weird stretch where your head would suddenly stretch out from your body and you would make a face with like you were going face first into the wind. It reminded me of an old turtle coming out of it's shell. You were my first baby and the first newborn I had spent anytime with, so I didn't know that most (all?) babies make this face. 

Mr. Miagee: another name you had as a baby. When I picked you up under your arms, you'd scruch in and it would remind me of that bird pose in Karate Kid (which is a movie from way before your time).  Mr. Miagee was a character in that movie.

Rachel B, Miss B, Rachie B, Baby B, Angel B: all things from your name and initials.

Love Mommy

Friday, April 23, 2010

The Park

Hi Rachie,

Today we went to the park and met up with my friend Alison and her four kids. You have met them before, but you didn't remember it, although you had called yourself Princess Kaia for quite sometime after meeting them.  We had a picnic and then played on the equipment and fed the geese. You had a great time. You are closer in age to Alison's four year old daughter, Faron, but bonded right away with her older daughter, Kaia. The two of you ran around, played on the teeter totter, played tag, and lay on the blankets eating leftovers from lunch and talking about your families.  I love listening to you talk to other kids and watching you play. You are so sure of yourself and just enjoy yourself in everything you do. I am endlessly proud of you.
Love Mommy

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Your Birth Story

Dear Rachel,

I'm going to tell you about your birth.

When I was 38 weeks pregnant, I went to my last OB appointment. She checked and told me that I was 2cm dilated already, but not to get excited about it. That night, Daddy and I went to dinner at Grandma's house. Daddy's Uncle John said I 'had the look' and that he guessed I wouldn't last the weekend.  He was right!

The next day, Thursday, nothing happened.

On Friday, Grandpa Allan, Grandma Marilynn, Auntie Crystal and Uncle Connor came over for dinner.  I was so tired! I was exhausted just from ordering pizza and couldn't wait for them to leave so I could go to bed.

The next morning, I woke up with some odd feelings. I was having contractions!  After waiting a bit and staying in bed I realized they weren't going away. I got out my baby book and started writing down the times. They were all over the place, not painful at all, not consistent. I parked myself in my lazyboy and watched the last of my Sex and the City DVD's, laying on my heating pad. I felt fine. Nana always said that 'when it happens, you'll know'.  Well, I had no idea, so I figured that must mean it wasn't it. She had also said that her labours were hours and days long, so not to call her in the early hours so that she didn't have to be put in suspense for ages.  So, I watched my DVD's and just kept writing down the time.

In the early afternoon, they petered off and stopped. I had a shower. Then I had a nap. 

Around 4pm, they started up again and this time they came a lot faster. They still didn't hurt. Just after 6pm, I called Nana.  She was confused when I told her they were every 5 minutes or so for the last 2 hours, they lasted a minute, but they didn't hurt. She told me to call Telehealth (a health hotline where you get to talk to a nurse). After I finished the last DVD, I called. The nurse freaked out! She told me to get to the hospital right away as the contractions were now 3-4 minutes apart. 

I called my friend Jordanna (Auntie JJ) and told her it was time. She was meeting us at the hospital to help me stay calm during labour. Then, just as I was finishing packing my bag, Grandpa Allan and Grandma Marilynn showed up. They brought a bassinette for you to sleep in and a pink hippo.  We told them I was on my way to the hospital and they were so excited!

On the way to the hospital, we returned my SATC DVD's to Blockbuster.  When we got to the hospital, Daddy asked if we should park or if he should drop me off. I said I was fine, let's park. It was only across the street that I had to walk. 

As soon as I got out of the car, I had a contraction. Only this time it was huge and it hurt like none other. I could barely walk without having another and another and another. It took us forever to get across the street because they kept coming and they hurt so much! NOW I knew it was time!

We got in and met  Auntie JJ. The nurses checked me and said I was only 3cm dilated and that I should walk the halls a bit to see if that would get things moving more. The three of us walked for an hour. We got up and down the hall maybe twice. I kept having to stop. I tried every different position: standing, sitting, squatting, rocking, leaning...  nothing helped. Daddy yelled at a nurse that I was in labour and needed a room! They brought me back in and checked me again. The nurse was kind enough to notice that I was 'hyper contracting' and that there wasn't much of a break between the contractions, they just kept coming one after the other. I already knew that! She asked if I wanted an epidural. I wasn't sure! I asked the nurse how far along I was and when she thought that you would be born. She said that since it was my first baby and I had been having contractions for about 5-6 hours at that point, she figured it would be until the next morning. I wasn't sure I could last that long. I could hardly talk enough to tell them to get me an epidural. Daddy was very happy to hear that.

They set me up in my own birthing room then and had me answer a whole bunch of questions between contractions (which didn't really happen). Then they kicked Daddy and Auntie JJ out of the room and told me that it wasn't long then. By 11:30, the pain would be gone. They were right! The doctor put in my epidural and it worked perfectly.  Within 20 minutes, all feeling was gone from my waist down. It was a very odd feeling, but such a nice break from the contractions. Daddy, Auntie JJ and I sat around chatting, joking, and hanging out for awhile. We were making bets on when you would arrive. I bet 7am, Auntie JJ bet sometime around 4 or 5am, and Daddy said 2:12am since that was what time he was born at. We all laughed at Daddy because it was 1am and things weren't moving that fast.

The nurse told us to take a nap. She said it would be a long night and I had some work to do, so it was best to rest.  She told me that a baby's heart rate often dips during transition, so not to get upset if she suddenly put an oxygen mask on me. She also had to flip me from one side to the other to make sure that the epidural was equal on both sides. With that, we dimmed the lights and closed our eyes.  At 2:09, Daddy piped up and said he only had 3 minutes to win. We laughed and dozed some more. Four minutes later, the nurse stood up and put the oxygen mask on me. Then she started to roll me from one side to the other, but froze halfway, turned on the lights, opened the door and yelled for the doctor, then told Daddy and Auntie JJ to grab my legs. I was barely awake and you were coming!

The doctors and nurses came in, the bed was prepped, my legs were grabbed and in a couple short pushes, you flew out.  You were wailing in no time and scored nice and high on your Apgar.  Daddy and Auntie JJ went with you to take pictures of you being wiped off and weighed (8lbs 6oz) and measured (20inches).  Then they wrapped you up and put you in my arms.

You were unbelievable. There aren't words for what it feels like to have your first child placed in your arms. I could not believe that you were mine and that you were that wiggly thing that had been growning inside me for 9 months. And I could not fathom how beautiful you were, with your little face all scrunched up and pink. You smelled incredible. I had no idea that a new baby could smell so delicious.  I turned to your Daddy and said, "I want ten!" I was so certain in that moment that being a mom was what I was meant to be and I just wanted this incredible moment to happen again and again and again. And again.

I had to stay in the birthing room for an hour after you were born to make sure that nothing happened to either of us. I got to start nursing you right away and you did well at it. We called Nana and Grandpa,  Grandma, and Grandpa Allan and Grandma Marilynn. We had Nana call Auntie Kristi to tell her right away. The first grandbaby! I can't even describe how excited everyone was to hear of your birth.

They pushed my bed to the ward room after that. Auntie JJ, Daddy and I sat around staring at you for awhile, then Auntie JJ left to get some sleep. At about 4:30am, Daddy left to get some sleep and I was left alone with you. Just you and me.

I couldn't sleep. I just lay there watching you. Picking you up and holding you, then putting you back in your bassinette and watching you. Then picking you up again so I could inhale your smell and stare at your beautiful little face again. I had no idea what to do with you, other than adore your every bit.  I had never been happier in my entire life.

Love Mommy

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Dear Rachie,

Today you and I spent a couple hours gardening together. Cordelia and Kingsley were napping and it was a beautiful 20 or so degrees, sunny, and perfect. You started off playing by yourself in the water table and digging up dirt in the rose garden, but the sound of a bee sent you running to my end of the yard. You ended up sitting with me as I made my way around, weeding and yanking stuff up. 

You fed me a constant stream of chatter, just non stop. You talked about how Cordie had been stung by bees last year and how you had been stung by 'squito bites.  You talked about your trip to the hospital after the one 'squito bite got your eye.  All of the critters and animals that have wings and what they eat and what eats them.  What bugs are nice bugs (ants, wormies, butterflies, callerpillars) and what bugs are mean bugs (bees, 'squito bites).  What you planted at school (a bean) but weren't bringing home. And on and on and on.

All the while, you were collecting worms and feeding your wormies and watching them play. You kept picking them up with your fingers and I tried not to flinch or back away when you would put them in front of my face to say hi to their face (which you were certain you could find).  You decided that I was a talk-to-worms person, not a touch-worms person. Very wise. 

It was so nice spending the afternoon with you. We don't get a lot of one on one time anymore when we can just talk.

Love Mommy

Saturday, April 17, 2010

My First Pregnancy

Hi My Little Love,

I've mentioned before that I did not enjoy being pregnant with you, but don't be offended. I didn't enjoy being pregnant with your brother or sister either! Let me tell you about it.

The nausea started when I was about 5 or 6 weeks pregnant. It lasted until about 14 weeks, then came back by 23 weeks. I never threw up, just constantly felt like I was going to. Some times, I wished I would. I gained very little weight in the first trimester because I could barely bring myself to eat. I made up for it in the second and third trimester though. In the end, I gained about 48lbs. It was incredibly surreal to the point of hilarity for me at times to see the numbers creeping up on the scale. I couldn't believe the numbers.

Despite the nausea, I had crazy cravings. I never before understood what pregnancy cravings were, but the overwhelming, sudden urge for specific food was undeniable. I wanted fish and chips from the place around the corner from where I grew up. I wanted my Nana's spaghetti sauce. I wanted garlic, cloves and coves of garlic. Baked potatoes, cheese, ravioli, french fries, caesar salad.

Part of why I gained so much weight was the swelling. It started early during the 4th month and didn't let up until after your birth. I felt like a sausage ready to burst out of it's casing. It wasn't pretty. My driver's license picture had to be taken a few weeks before you were born and the picture looks nothing like me because of how puffy my face was. My feet bulged out of my shoes. I had to wear Daddy's socks because my own cut the circulation off in my feet.

I was tired all the time. My back hurt, my hips hurt, and I experienced heart burn for the first time in my life. I discovered what acid reflux is.  Tums became part of my daily intake.

And amongst all of this, I discovered something amazing. You! I first saw you in mid-September. When the ultrasound technician turned the screen and showed me you, I teared up. You were this tiny little thing and you were moving all around! I couldn't feel it, but I could see you! I wanted to watch you forever. I had never seen anything so amazing in all of my life.

Two weeks later, at Daddy's friend Andrew's funeral, I felt you move. I was sitting in the church and the priest was waving around incense and I felt you fluttering around. It was like music inside of me. By 18 weeks, I was feeling you all of the time and by 21 weeks Daddy could feel you, too. I would wake up in the middle of the night to find his hands on my belly as the two of you had your first father-daughter time.  We would lie in bed on Saturday and Sunday mornings and I would eat the chocolate from my Advent calendar so that we could watch you move.  It was the most incredible thing I had ever seen or felt. By 31 weeks, the movement became painful.  You were head down and some days it felt like you had a knee wedged on each side of my ribs as I drove home from work. I couldn't fathom how I could possibly get bigger, but still I did. I could feel your body parts and identify where your head, shoulders, bum and limbs were.  You hiccupped a lot!

In mid-February I finally had my second ultrasound. The technician was very bubbly and before she invited Daddy back in, she asked me if I wanted to know if you were a boy or girl. I said YES! She turned the screen and looked at me expectantly. I looked back at her. I had no idea what I was looking at. "It's a girl!" she said. Up until that point, I had always said I didn't care if you were a boy or girl and I thought I honestly meant it. But hearing the words 'it's a girl' brought so much happiness, I was overwhelmed. I was so thrilled. She brought Daddy in and I couldn't hide my huge smile as I told him the news. 

Other than that, they were a little concerned about your size and my size. I was put on a diet, then another diet, then told to just forget it.  Apparently, I was just meant to gain weight!

When I was 36 weeks pregnant, I was almost induced. I was very busy at work and my Grandma was sick. My blood pressure went up. I had a NonStress Test: two straps and monitors were wrapped around my belly and I was given a button to push everytime you moved. I lay on the hospital bed in triage and talked to you for 45 minutes, trying to stay calm and just keep you calm. We passed and I was allowed to leave.

On Saturday, March 18, at 38 weeks, 6 days, I went into labour with you and the long, long pregnancy finally came to an end very early the next morning. It was, and still is, one of the best days of my life.

Love Mommy

When I Was Pregnant with You

Dear Turtle,

I want to tell you about some of the things that happened while I was pregnant with you.

I told most of my girlfriends early on. My theory was that if something happened and I lost the pregnancy, I would need them for support. They were very excited. You were going to be the first baby in our group.  When I was 10 weeks pregnant, my friend Silvia told me that she was pregnant as well. Little did we know that Eric would be born exactly 1 month after you and would be your future best friend. As Eric said today at his fourth birthday party, "Rachel has always been my friend..."  That's true. The first time I ever left the house without you was when I went to the hospital to meet him hours after he was born. But I'll tell you about that later!

I was in the last semester of my MA from UNR when I got pregnant. I had the option of finishing my thesis in December 2005, or fast tracking and getting it done in August. I chose to fast track, because you just never know what the future has for you. It ended up being a good, but difficult decision. I finished writing my MA thesis just as morning sickness hit. I have vivid memories of sitting at my desk chair forcing myself to type and thinking about what I could possibly eat that would make this horrid feeling go away. Nothing worked, but my thesis did get finished and on the first week of August, I submitted the final draft. I graduated that fall and our ceremony was in February 2006, when I was 33 weeks pregnant. I look hideous in the few pictures we have, in the shiny black gown that looked like a tent. 

Lots of things changed that summer that I was pregnant with you. Daddy's best friend Mitch moved away. They had been best friends since they were 9 and did everything together. He had spent some time in Quebec and in Europe before this, but nothing permanent. This time, he moved to Vancouver and hasn't moved back since.  He's currently living in India and California.  Aunt Kristi and Uncle Kevin also moved to Vancouver that summer. I was very sad that they were leaving and wouldn't be here with us when you were born.  They left us a lot of furniture when they left, which finally filled up our little home (I'm sitting on a big blue couch they gave us as I type this).

That summer there was also a big global event. There was a hurricane (Katerina) in the southern United States that hit New Orleans, followed by another one (Hurricane Rita). It made gas prices here skyrocket. It wasn't a great summer to be commuting to Brantford to work.  Now, gas prices around the $1/L mark are not a big deal, but back then none of the gas station signs were even able to advertise the prices accurately because there wasn't a space for that many numbers.

Daddy had to say goodbye to a friend of his that fall. He had known Andrew since he was 14 years old and his passing was a shock.  Andrew's funeral was the first time I had seen your Daddy cry.

One of my favourite things that happened when I was pregnant with you was the release of the fourth Harry Potter movie. I love the Harry Potter books and although the movies rarely live up to the books, I still get very excited about them.  I went to the midnight showing and loved every minute of it.

In the winter of 2006, Canada had a federal election and Stephen Harper was elected as the lastest Prime Minister. Daddy and I were not pleased with this. Election hype dominated the media for quite some time. Also that winter were the Olympic Games in Turin, Italy. Compared to how wrapped up we got this past winter in the Olympic Games in Vancouver, those games barely registered.

Finally, exactly two weeks before you were born, my Grandma (your Grandpa's mom) passed away. She was just a few weeks shy of her 94th birthday and her health had been slowly fading. I was very sad that she would never get to meet you.  I spent a lot of time with my Grandma in the last few years of her life and was greatful that I had had that time with her. Her funeral brought back so much of our family to London/St. Thomas for the first time since my and Daddy's wedding, and for some longer than that! It was so wonderful to see everyone, despite the occassion. My grandma was buried on my 28th birthday and afterward we all gathered at Nana and Grandpa's house to watch home movies, eat pizza, and celebrate my first big family birthday party in over two decades. My feet were almost too swollen for shoes, I had barely a thing to wear, but we all laughed and had a great time that night. Grandma's passing also meant that my Godmother, my Aunt Carolyn, was in town when you were born and she got to meet you before she left. That meant a lot to me.

It was a very busy 9 months!

Love Mommy

When I Found Out

Dear Rachie,

Daddy and I planned on having you. We wanted to start having babies shortly after we were married, but Daddy was still in law school and we were living in Windsor. It was a dirty city and I decided I couldn't even let myself get pregnant there. Once we moved back to London, I couldn't find a job. In March of 2005, almost a year before you were born, I got my dream job. After a month or so there, we decided that we were done waiting. We wanted a baby, whether we had the money or not.

In July, I took a pregnancy test. It was very early on a Saturday morning. It came out positive. I went in the bedroom and told Daddy and then we both fell back asleep. When I woke up, I panicked. I wanted you so badly, but knew in that moment that my life would never be the same and it scared me. Everything felt surreal.

A week later, I went to Nana and Grandpa's and told them that I had something to tell them. Grandpa sat down with me in their TV room and called Nana in. Grandpa told her I had some big news, so he figured I was either moving away or pregnant. I told them I wasn't moving anywhere. Nana teared up and Grandpa got a big goofy grin on his face. They were so excited for you!

Being pregnant with you was not much fun. I was nauseous nearly all day, every day for the majority of the 9 months. It was hard to hide it from people. Your dad got tired of me telling him. I got tired of feeling like that.

I was scared of a lot of things when I was pregnant with you.  I was scared of what my life would be like when you arrived. I was scared that I wouldn't be a good mom. I was scared of how you would arrive.  Everything was new and different, but I had no reason to be scared. You and I would work through everything together.

Love Mommy